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From Game Making Tools Wiki
- 16 Colors Draw
- 2D Fighter Maker 2nd
- 2D Fighter Maker 95
- 3DAce
- 3DRadSpace
- 3D Construction Kit
- 3D Game Builder
- 3D Rad
- 3D Ripper DX
- 3D Shooter Maker
- 8-Bit RPG Creator
- ASCII Art Paint
- Action Game Maker
- Action Game Maker (Easy Game Maker)
- Adventure Construction Kit
- Adventure Creation Kit
- Adventure Game Studio
- Anvil Studio
- Aseprite
- Asset Forge
- Assets:Main Page
- Atmosphir
- Audacity
- Bangai-O Spirits
- Bforartists
- Bipsi
- Bitsy
- Bitsy 3D
- Blades of Avernum
- Blender
- Bosca Ceoil
- Bosca Ceoil: The Blue Album
- Bravitzlana
- Build Your Own Net Dream
- Bulby - Diamond Course
- Buttonz & Tilez
- Castle Game Engine
- Cellular Automata Laboratory
- ChoiceScript
- Clickteam Fusion
- Communities:Main Page
- Construct
- CraftStudio
- CrazyBump
- Crocotile 3D
- Cube
- Cube 2: Sauerbraten
- DCGames
- DS Game Maker
- Decker
- Dendry
- Dezaemon 3D
- Diezel Sun game design
- Din Is Noise
- Distribution:Git
- Distribution:Internet Archive
- Distribution:Licensing
- Distribution:Main Page
- Distribution:Retribute
- Dog Adventure Game Engine
- Dotgrid
- Downpour
- DrawMaze
- Draw Your Game
- Drawpile
- Dunc's AlgoMusic
- DungeonScript
- Dungeon Decorator
- Dust3D
- EF-12
- EZ Paint
- EasyRPG
- Emotica
- Excitebike
- Explogen
- Explosion Texture Generator
- F-Zero Execution Project
- FFmpeg
- Fighter Maker
- Fighter Maker 2
- Flatpack
- Flax Engine
- Flickgame
- Forgotten Realms: Unlimited Adventures
- GB Studio
- GDevelop
- GG Maker
- Game-Maker
- GameMaker Studio
- Game Builder
- Game Builder Garage
- Game Creation System
- Gamestudio
- Glimpse
- Glossary:Main Page
- Gnu IMP
- Godot
- GrafX2
- GraphicsGale
- Gruescript
- Hamster All-Stars
- Hover Your Own Pixel
- Hypatia
- HyperCard
- IDraw
- I Wanna Maker
- ImageMagick
- Inform
- Ink
- Insight3D
- Interface:Main Page
- JS Kid Pix
- Java Interactive Virtual Environment System
- Jupiter Engine
- KateLabs
- Kid Pix
- Kiddo Paint
- Kirby's Dream Course Editor
- Klik & Play
- Kooltool
- LazPaint
- LiSE
- LibreSprite
- Lisien
- LovelyComposer
- Lumberyard
- Lunar Magic
- Luxe
- M.U.G.E.N
- Mach Rider
- Mad Animator
- Main Page
- MapMaker
- MapMaker (TimeSplitters)
- Map Generators
- Marble Race
- Mario Builder 64
- Mario Paint
- Marq’s PETSCII Editor
- Meshmixer
- Meshroom
- Moebius
- Mr. Drumstix' Music Studio
- Multi-Platform Arcade Game Designer
- Multi Paint System
- Music Mouse
- NESmaker
- Name Generators
- Name Generators/Disexplications
- Name Generators/Genrenomicon
- Name Generators/Our Favorite Games
- Name Generators/PLUG & PLAY TV GAME
- Name Generators/The Video Game Name Generator
- Name Generators/gamelevels
- Name Generators/video games
- NeoTextureEdit
- Neobarok
- Neural Drum Machine
- Noodle
- NumberFlow
- O3DE
- Oblivion
- OmniLudiCon
- OpenSCAD
- Open 3D Engine
- Open RPG Maker
- Opus Databending Drumkit
- PICO-8
- Paint of Persia
- Petaporon
- Pinball Construction Set
- Pixel Composer
- Playscii
- PuzzleScript
- QasarBeach
- Quest Master
- REXPaint
- RPG Maker 2
- RPG Maker 2000
- RPG Maker Fes
- RPG Maker MV
- RPG Maker VX Ace
- RPG in a Box
- Racing Games with Track Editors
- Ray Game Designer
- Re-Volt
- RedPill
- Ren'Py
- SHMUP Creator
- Sailor Moon and Her Sailor Scouts Computer Fun Set
- Sandbox Game Maker
- Scenario RPGMaker
- Sekaiju
- ShipWright
- Shooting Game Builder
- Silent Walk
- Sim RPG Maker 95
- Single User Dungeon System
- SketchUp
- SmileBASIC
- Smile Game Builder
- Solarus
- SoundHelix
- Spaceship Generator
- SpriteIlluminator
- Stake
- Style Guide
- Superpowers
- Sword of Moonlight
- Sword of Moonlight Ex
- Tessellation Kit
- Tessellations
- TextGame
- Texts:Main Page
- The Quill
- Thunder Force Construction
- Tilemancer
- Tilesetter
- Tinychoice
- Tombed Deluxe
- ToneMatrix
- TrakEdit (HSX: HyperSonic.Xtreme)
- TrenchBroom
- Tux Paint
- Twine
- Unity
- Unity 3D
- Vertex Meadow
- Visionaire Studio
- Wargame Construction Set
- ZGameEditor
- Zelda Classic
- beepster
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- hmaptool
- iisel
- libtcod
- lvllvl
- môsi
- narrat
- sfxr
- sok-worlds
- stencyl
- ファミリーシンセ いきなりミュージシャン
- 各ゲー野郎: Fighting Game Creator