From Game Making Tools Wiki
Despite the awful acronym, The Gnu Image Manipulation Program is a decent image editing program—a free alternative to something like Adobe's PhotoShop (which is awful SAAS now). Another (Windows-only) alternative that's popular is Paint.NET. And the drawing tool Krita has a lot of feature overlap.
There was a project/fork of GNU IMP based round fixing the name and improving the program generally called Glimpse, but development on it has stopped (though if you can download a copy it works great). There is a new one in early stages called PIKA.
- - Plugin that takes a folder of eight images and turns them into a single sheet ready for printings and folding, works for both A4 and US letter paper.
Gnu IMP can already create animated GIFs (each layer becomes a frame), but there are some tools to make the process easier.
GIMP Animation Package
- Using GAP guide.
- animstack on github pages (source not actually on Github?)