ASCII Art Paint

From Game Making Tools Wiki
ASCII Art Paint logo, entirely drawn in ASCII characters. The title 'ASCII Art Paint' is written on a floppy disk, which is flanked, somewhat like a coat of arms, by two women, and there are two stars in the background.
Release date: Current
Made by: Kirill Live
Runs on: Browser
Imports: .TXT, .PNG, .JPG,
.GIF, …
Exports: .TXT, .PNG

ASCII Art Paint is a a fully featured, open-source tool for drawing with text, allowing you to make Text Art images with regular drawing software tools. You can place pictures in the background so you can draw over the top, and even convert pictures into text. There's a text editor built in so you can edit stuff manually and copy and paste. Main downside is that there's no colour.

I'm not sure of when it was first released, but most of the updates seem to have happened in 2022.

Runs in browser on the Itch page or you can download it and run it on your computer locally.

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