Videogame Interface Wiki.
Because no one reads this forum I can talk about my videogame controller wiki/database project I haven't made it public yet, just slowly adding info. to it until it's in a state that's useful and ready to share publicly. The goal is to document controllers and other things that can be used for videogame input, include info. on using them on contemporary hardware and contemporary game-making tools. This includes DIY stuff, like making your own bespoke interfaces and adaptors, which is stuff I wanted to put in the GMT Wiki, but think this'll be a better fit. Using Mediawiki again, though I experimented with PMWiki for a bit, it ultimately felt too hacky (though I like it, it's really flexible), and I was mostly modding it to be more like Mediawiki anyway.
At the moment I'm adding pages for controllers, adaptors, and whatever else, trying to get a good idea of what categories are useful, and experimenting with using templates more.
I haven't done any work on how the wiki will look yet, but I mess with logos every now and then. I want it to be bright and playful looking.
Last weekend and this I've mostly worked on making a theme based on the Famicom ASCII Stick. Goal is to have a couple of themes people can choose from, and add a new one every now and then when the mood strikes. First theme's almost useable. I hadn't wanted to make things public so soon, but I was searching for stuff on the Jogcon and found it's already appearing on search results…
The ASCII Stick is a controller I bought that, to me, signifies my beginning to seriously think about the idea of opening a controller museum/art space. I blurted about it online once, not actually thinking it was ever possibly a thing I could do, but…maybe it is??? Also it's real pretty, and feels real nice.
This is effectively ready to go, but I have a couple of commissioned things to work on in May so don't think I have enough time to keep a track of new users and edits, and I still haven't written guides for editors and readers
Haven't had time to do any decent additions in a while. Recent Mediawiki update has mangled the theme a bit...
Been working on the wiki a bunch.
At this point there are some pages that I think are actually useful! For example the XE-1AP page probably has the most complete compatibility info I've seen anywhere and probably the best settings info, and the EagleMAX is something I couldn't find much info on elsewhere.
I've got a bit obsessed with mahjong controllers, so I'm working on some info on those, and have a bunch of Famicom stuff to add.
It still looks like arse if you're not signed-in. It's using an old version of the theme for some reason, but probably not too hard to fix when I get round to looking into it I hope
Things are chugging along.
Fixed the settings so the theme works for people who aren't logged in. Also means I can add other themes that people can pick from in their preferences.
Just hit 30 controller entries.
Working on a Contributor Guide.